BRX V BTCC battle of the champions.
BRX V BTCC the head to head. Here is how it started for me. The phone rings one Friday evening in November 2017. I answer it and the conversation goes something like this:
“Do you want to come to Lydden and shoot a feature for us? Its on a head to head of the British Rallycross Champion against the British Touring Car Champion” There was more of a conversation, but I was already sold! This isn’t really about what happened, rather a few of my personal favorite frames.

MSA British Rallycross champion Nathan Heathcote and MSA British Touring Car Champion Ash Sutton go head to head at Lydden Hill Circuit in Kent.
So off to a rainy and grey Lydden Hill I went. The brief itself was fairly straight forward. A few in car frames, some ‘action’ ones, tracking shots and a setup promo type shot. Nathan I already knew from rallycross. Ash was just as laid back!
The tracking shots were great and by and large both drivers followed my direction as I hung out the back of the lead car.

MSA British Rallycross champion Nathan Heathcote and MSA British Touring Car Champion Ash Sutton go head to head at Lydden Hill Circuit in Kent.
However, racing drivers always want to race.
There is a really nice article that Hal Ridge wrote that was published in the MSA magazines winter 2017 edition. It starts on page 46.